specialists in music for schools provision

Medley Music For Schools Ltd delivers keyboard, music curriculum and vocal projects to whole class, small groups, disadvantaged, disengaged, vulnerable learners and one to one lessons to suit the needs of Children within Schools.

We provide performance opportunities in School and within the community to promote confidence and self-esteem for the Children and Learners.


To find out a little more, please view the video here 

Music Tutors support community driven events

Christmas Concertts

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if you'd like to know more please click below to contact us
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Easter Productions

Easter Productions

Click below to hear the children from St Bridget's perform
"King of the Jews"
Click Here

Summer Productions

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Remembrance Events

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Peace Proms

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Choir Events

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Medley Music can lead these events or work with the Teaching Staff and hopefully take off a little pressure preparing the children to perform

Meet the team

Frances Sixsmith

Founder / Music Tutor

Fran has worked in Warrington Primary Schools for over ten years and formed the business Medley Music For Schools Ltd in 2017.

Previously Fran worked for Accent Music Education hub as music tutor and training & marketing manager, Fran also ran the Yamaha Music School based in Warrington delivering music to students. It was an immense source of pride for her to help children, young people and adults to pass the Trinity College Keyboard examinations.

Fran won the Classic FM Peripatetic/Private Music Teacher of the Year Award in 2011. The awards recognise and reward those teachers who have made a real life difference to the musical life of young people.

Fran is proud to have gained awards in the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in piano and a Diploma of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, but is most proud of seeing the progression and performance of Children on their musical journey.

Su Ancliffe

Music Tutor

Su began playing keyboard instruments at an early age – getting her first reed organ at around 5 years old. Her first music lessons were on recorder at school, which started her off reading music. She began piano lessons aged 10, later adding guitar, oboe and flute and continued with these through to university, gaining a BA (Hons) in Music with Education Studies.
Su began teaching electronic organ to groups in 1995 and also piano and flute one-to-one and in small groups. She joined the keyboard project in its inception in 2007 and, as well as teaching, has been involved in writing and recording for the courses. She believes she has the best job in the world!
Su played oboe in the Stockport Schools Wind Band and has continued to play with Werneth Concert Band since 1995. She also plays bass in the swing band and conducts a community ladies choir.
Su feels that the opportunities she had to learn and participate in music at school played a huge part in both her choice of career and her love of making music.
Su enjoys many styles of music, but has a particular passion for 80s pop and electronica and, of course, ABBA.


Music Tutor

Mary joined Medley Music in 2022 and has brought a wealth of knowledge, experience, enthusiasm and a nothing is too much trouble approach to the team.

Mary has been a music teacher for over 20 years. She studied early music, specialising in recorder and harpsichord at Cork School of Music graduating with a BMus in 2004.
Since then Mary has performed as a soloist around Ireland and the a North West of England.

Nowadays Mary teaches piano, recorder and flute as well as teaching classroom music.  In  her spare time Mary enjoys knitting, cross stitching and Egyptology.

Get in touch with us

Spring Support 2021

Medley Music have put together a selection of songs, backings and videos of some of the Children’s favourites they have been learning for you to sing along too and join in with the actions.

Please have a look at Spring Support 2021.

Research suggests that music can stimulate the body’s natural feel good chemicals and I think we all need this right now!

Click here to request password.

Please get in touch if you would like to suggest other songs, we look forward to hearing from you.

We Miss You

We miss you like crazy all children and staff

We miss our music and all the good laughs

We miss the “come on get up” to children of plenty we say

We miss telling you the stories in only our way

We miss walking into schools hearing the children chatter

We miss the tables and chairs moving and all of the clatter

We miss the big smiles children have on their faces

We miss the sound of keyboards, singing and getting in their places

We miss the stories the children have to say

We miss hearing their voices and instruments as they play

We miss looking after you when you don’t feel well

We miss hearing all about how you fell

We miss the fun, the smiles on your faces

We miss how the Children are ahead of us with your paces

We miss the welcome from Head Teachers & staff as we get there

You’re welcoming but some might go hooray to PPA to be fair!

We miss your laughter, your own unique ways

We miss our music teaching whole days

We miss after school clubs and how we get to know you

We miss you all, we so really do

But when this is all over they’ll be no more we miss you

Because we will be back together and we will teach you

To look back on all this and a distant memory it will be

History we have made but not forgotten, always there for each other is
the key

Love from Medley Music.


Performance and Events

Would you like to attend the Medley Music Melodies Concert?

Unfortunately due to the current situation the Medley Music Melodies Vocal Concert will not take place as planned. 

We will be in touch, keep safe.

Future concerts to be held at St. Oswalds Catholic Church, will be a wonderful opportunity to bring Children together from a number of Schools to perform a variety of pop, rock, ballads, hymns and Medley Mash Ups which will build their confidence and self-esteem.

The evening will comprise of a moment of remembrance where we will remember Tim Parry and Johnathan Ball, lives lost at the MEN attack, lives lost in the war and recent conflicts.

Entrance for future events is payable on the door £4.00 adult and £1.00 child.
Concerts start at 6.00 pm

Keep in touch and visit this page for upcoming events.

Play Video

“In the arms of an Angel” performed at the Medley Music  Melodies concert 2018 by children from Cherry Tree Primary, Woolston CP, St Bridget’s Catholic Primary, Our Lady’s Catholic Primary, Oakwood Avenue Primary and TBAP New Horizons AP Academy

official Concert Countdown here...
